Beware of “Juice Jacking”

Beware of “Juice Jacking”

Juice jacking is a form of cyber attack that has been growing in popularity in recent years. The attack occurs when someone plugs their phone or other device into a public charging station that has been compromised by a cybercriminal. The compromised charging station can then be used to steal data from the device or install malware onto it.

The danger of juice jacking is that it can be difficult to tell when a public charging station has been compromised. Many people assume that charging their phone in a public place is safe and that there is no risk involved. However, a charging station that has been tampered with can be a major threat to your data and personal information.

To protect yourself from juice jacking, it is important to take a few precautions. First, be wary of using public charging stations that you are not familiar with. If possible, try to charge your device at home or at a trusted location. If you must use a public charging station, make sure that you bring your own charging cable and plug it directly into an electrical outlet rather than a USB port.

Another way to protect yourself from juice jacking is to use a portable power bank. These devices allow you to charge your phone or other device without having to use a public charging station. They are small and easy to carry around, making them a convenient solution for people who are always on the go.

In addition to these precautions, it is also a good idea to keep your device up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. This will help to protect your device from malware and other cyber threats. Finally, be careful when using public Wi-Fi networks. These networks can also be used by cybercriminals to steal data and install malware onto your device.

In conclusion, juice jacking is a growing threat that can put your personal data and information at risk. By taking a few simple precautions, however, you can protect yourself and your devices from this type of cyber attack. Always be cautious when using public charging stations, and consider using a portable power bank if you need to charge your device on the go. By staying vigilant and aware of the risks, you can help to keep your data and personal information safe from cybercriminals.

What is business digital marketing and why is it important for my business?

What is business digital marketing and why is it important for my business?

Digital marketing is the promotion or advertisement of your product, service, or business online or via the Internet. Depending on the business type, goals, or where the business is at in its business lifecycle, the efforts may vary. It is important to work with a marketing team that understands your goals and knows how to create a comprehensive strategy to be able to identify the most profitable channels.

Digital marketing consists of many different types of marketing strategies, but the spectrum of services generally consists of website design and development, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing strategies like blog writing, video marketing, and email marketing. Even within the above strategies are subsets of the different types of digital marketing.

Within search engine optimization consists local search engine optimization, national search engine optimization, link building, and reputation management. Types of pay-per-click advertising include local pay-per-click advertising, national pay-per-click advertising, and Facebook advertising. Social media marketing plays across many different platforms depending on the type of business you are in, but some of the most important networks are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. Content marketing consists of creating valuable and memorable content to be distributed to customers or those interested in your space.

Each of these services plays important roles in a strategy. Your business may need some or all of them depending on many different factors.

Digital marketing has shifted the paradigm of marketing from one that uses an outbound approach to one that uses an inbound marketing approach. Customers know what they want and when they want it and they head online to get what they want when they want it. Gone are the days of fishing with a large net in the ocean and here are the days of fishing with sonar radar in a barrel. Inbound marketing helps businesses generate traffic to their website and turn website visitors into paying customers.

Digital marketing is one of the most important types of marketing you can do for your business. Not only is it crucial in this digital age, but it also presents the best opportunity for ROI because it is attributable and trackable to identify where leads and sales are coming from on a minute-by-minute basis.

Why do I need digital marketing for my business?

Why do I need digital marketing for my business?

Having a website is not enough these days. The internet has become one of the most competitive spaces and everyone is competing with the mass amounts of traffic and users online. While a website is extremely important and serves as the foundation for your online marketing presence, it is just that, a foundation. Promotion of your website via other digital marketing channels is important to set your business apart and give you every opportunity to attract a new visitors, which will hopefully turn into new customer.

Digital marketing is the promotion of your brand and the service you need to battle against competitors that do not only exist locally, but now exist nationally and internationally against your business.

With a strong online presence and digital marketing strategy, the opportunity to scale your business successfully is enormous. Digital marketing presents opportunity for exponential business growth and return multiples that are better than any other advertising opportunity.

How am I billed for your digital marketing services and is there a contract?

How am I billed for your digital marketing services and is there a contract?

Most of our services are six-month and twelve-month contracts that are offered at discounted rates for extended service periods. We do not offer month-to-month marketing agreements because of the intense preparation and research it takes to get a campaign up and running and positioned to be successful. We prefer longer deals because digital marketing results do not happen overnight, especially if you are tackling efforts like social media marketing and search engine optimization. The further a digital marketing campaign gets from commencement the more successful the campaign will be. Why? Because we get the opportunity to optimize the campaign based on real market data AND platforms optimize utilizing machine learning and AI capabilities to drive better marketing performance.

Digital marketing takes a consistent effort and one that is relentless. We strive to not only get ahead of your competitors, but also to create an impenetrable and insulated market position to make it difficult for them to catch up to you. With that being said, anyone that is guaranteeing overnight results using their services might as well be selling snake oil. The internet is the most competitive business space in the world and you need the best of the best in your corner in order to succeed.

For our website design services, we offer customized proposals and pricing that is determined based on the scope of the project, but general website design services range anywhere from $7,500 to $100,000 depending on the size and scope of the project.

Each of our customers are unique and have different requirements when it comes to a revolutionized digital marketing strategy. All customers will be presented with a custom proposal that is unique to their business industry and requirements.

How do I know how much to spend on my company’s digital marketing efforts?

How do I know how much to spend on my company’s digital marketing efforts?

As a rule of thumb, general marketing expenditures are recommended to be around 10-20% of overall revenue, but there is not an exact answer. One of the most important numbers is determining what the return-on-investment is of any marketing investment. The only wrong amount to spend on digital marketing efforts is $0. Doing something is much better than doing nothing at all.

Our team will help you calculate true ROI of your marketing investment to understand the opportunity that our team can present to your business. We are focused on performance and ensuring that we understand the lifetime value of your customers and/or clients will help you understand the multiple that can be expected from a marketing strategy. We prefer to work with aggressive businesses that are looking to scale up theirĀ  businesses as quickly as possible.